We strive to plan and implement projects in an effort o enhance water quality, protect important natural areas, and educate and inspire the community in ways they can help keep our cherished lake healthy and vibrant!
One of our main concerns is aquatic plants taking over and restricting navigable waterways. We have once again contracted with Aquatic Plant Control to treat our most heavily navigable waterways. The DNR has been reluctant to give us the treatment acreage we would like in the wake of our hydrilla history. Our tier two testing and the data the DNR has collected continues to ensure that we can protect the much needed plants while opening up certain navigation areas. Below is a map of the areas we have applied for permitting for 2022 treatment.
Our dredging project has come to an end for now. Below is a map showing the locations of the dredging work completed over the last four years. If you cruise through these areas, or live next to them, the value is evident. Areas 1 through 6, A1 and Graham Ditch were completed by the LMA. Areas 7, 8, 10 (and a portion of area 6) were dredged at the expense of private residents.
Aquatic plan life is vital to the healthy ecology of our lake. Being able to access your property from the water is important as well. We conduct plant surveys each year to ensure the healthy plant life is growing to filter the water and provide cover for wildlife. These studies serve as evidence to the state that we can treat excessive plant life to ensure access to personal property in those areas with excessive plant growth. We also sponsor individual sign-up programs for all channel residences for private treatments under our permitting. In addition, we offer treatment packs for residences that prefer to treat up to 625 sq ft without permitting. The great news in that in 2021, we received permitting for each area we applied for. Our contractor has already been active in monitoring and treatment of evasive plants. (See Map Below)
Areas marked in yellow & red will be treated this year, with Area 1 having been treated earlier this month.
Wrapping Up 2020
2021 AQUATIC PLANT CONTROL: We will apply for main lake permitting with areas 1, 2 and 4 as priority. (See Map HERE). Some areas we dredged this year will not be treated. We will also apply for all channel areas. If you signed up for treatment to your channel area, you may purchase treatment from Aquatic Weed Control. All residents may purchase individual aquatic weed control packets from the LMA to treat up to 625 sq. ft. without a permit. Please contact Kenny Anderson at 574-835-1521 with any questions regarding the program.
PRAIRIE: The State of Indiana has temporarily allowed a reduction in the size of The Prairie effectively opening up navigation between wolf point and the buoys marking it. We will know in March if this reduction will be permanent. If so, we will consider pursuing the original plant life that once inhabited the area. Our goal is to promote plant life that is essential to our water quality and animal life while enjoying access for recreational use of our lake.
FISHERY: Now that our plant life is once again able to support our fishery, we are working on implementing a goal based on an electro-fishing survey that was conducted earlier this year. We will be working with the State to formulate a path forward.
DREDGING PROGRAM: This year, we dredged areas 1, 2, 3, and 4. (See map HERE). We have permitting and dump sites in hand for areas 5, 6, 7, 8 and 10 for 2021. The board is currently considering how to fund areas 5 and 6 based on our dredging criteria and plans to vote in our next meeting in February. Residents adjacent to areas 7, 8 and 10 will have the opportunity to have those areas dredged under our current permitting (at their own cost). Another dredging project we are considering long term is the maintenance of our Graham Ditch sediment collection system. A long-term goal could be to pursue dredging Mill Pond to create an effective sediment collection system to slow down the sediment entering our lake. Stay tuned for more updates!
Herbicide Treatments - Summer 2019
Clarke Aquatic Services will be conducting herbicide applications along the shoreline and other selected areas. The goal of these treatment will be to reduce the amount of vegetation in and around docks, swimming areas, and other locations necessary for recreation and boat travel.
Clarke has developed a plan to conduct two treatments (pending approval by the DNR). First Clarke will conduct a spring survey in late May followed by the first treatment which will be completed prior to June 15th. Much like the first treatment, there will be a follow-up survey in July followed by a second treatment as needed. There will be regrowth, and in order to ensure a reduction in vegetation for the holidays, two treatments are recommended. These treatments will cover only the areas approved by the DNR and agreed upon my the Association. Clarke will not perform a treatment without approval from either party.
Prior to each treatment, all residents will be notified of the treatment. The notification will be a “week of” date based on current weather patterns. Additionally ,we will treat early in the week to avoid any restrictions imposed by the product label that may impede recreational activities for the weekend.
On treatment day, you can expect to see one or two boat clearly marked with “Clark Aquatic Services”. These boats will be spraying herbicide in all marked areas using GPS tracking. Each area to be treated will be marked with a sign that will details the products being used and any restrictions a homeowner should be aware of. Examples include irrigation, swimming, drinking, etc. A treatment sign will also be posted at all public launches.
If you are interested in additional treatments to your shoreline or would like to purchase a water circulator to assist with stagnant water, please see the link below for more information.
Sediment removal - Graham Ditch
We have completed the dredging of Graham Ditch/White Creek , which consisted of an excavator/barge equipment removing sediment from this area. This project, along with the consistent management of the filter system will help with sediment removal on this main tributary. The Association is currently obtaining quotes for 10 additional shallow/sediment-filled areas.
Watch the video to for more information! Click the LEARN MORE button below for more information on Graham Ditch and how it affects the quality of our water in Lake Manitou.
New buoys
Last year, in an effort to enhance safety and nighttime navigation, we purchased and installed 32 lighted buoys which follow the perimeter of the lake marking 200 ft. from the shoreline. White cylinders marked NO MOTOR ZONE with lighted solar caps mark the Prairie area. The Prairie is the 43-acre shallow area located directly east of the Moose Lodge. This area is restricted from any motor traffic in an effort to facilitate the growth of important aquatic plant life.
Navigating the Lake: Indiana law states that watercraft must maintain idle speed within 200 ft. of all shorelines. Idling inside of the buoys parallel to shore is also prohibited. Alway travel perpendicular to the shoreline when entering or exiting docks.
Rain Creek & Mill Pond Study
In 2017, the Association received a Lake and River Enhancement (LARE) grant to develop sediment collection ideas for our largest tributary, Rain Creek, located at the south end of Lake Manitou. Cardno completed this study. Because it is surrounded by wetlands, Rain Creek presents unique challenges to the designs we received. Our goal continues to be determining the option that is the most measurable, sustainable and cost effective. Watch the video below!