Lake Paks
Lake Paks are available at a discount to Members. These products are applied by the property owner and can treat up to 625 sq. ft. of shoreline.
For 2020, Copper Sulfate was removed from the Lake Paks as this product only eliminates the floating mossy scum on the top of the water. Not everyone needed this product, so it was eliminated. If you need this product, it can be purchased at your favorite hardware store.
Pak #1: For aquatic weeds and algae (submergent). Price $105.00. This pack contains: 1 - 20lb bag of Hydrothol 191 Granular.
Pak #2: For aquatic weeds, algae, and cattails (submergent & emergent). Price: $135.00. This pack contains:
1- 20lb bag of Hyrothol 191 Granular
1 Quart of Shore-Klear
1 Quart of Cygnet Plus