This past week, we were reminded how grateful we are for time spent with those we love in a place we hold dear. Thank YOU for being a part of our community and believing in our mission. We are so very grateful for all of our supporters!
The newly established Lake Manitou Maintenance and Sustainability Fund has grown quickly in its first year of existence. It was established through a grant from the Northern Indiana Community Foundation with $5000 in seed money.
A challenge was offered by NICF of an additional matching grant of $5000, to be awarded on Giving Tuesday, Nov. 30, 2021 if LMA could raise $5000 in donations. The response to this challenge was enthusiastic and generous—LMA has received commitments for contributions in excess of $7500 from individuals and businesses. Our year-end goal is to secure as many donations as possible for this inaugural year of fundraising for the endowment.
The funds will be held in a newly established account at the Community Foundation. Gifts in any amount can be made to this fund by individuals, businesses, or as honorariums or memorials. The interest earned each year can be utilized for needs of the LMA, but the donations will be held to grow in value for many years to come. The endowment will be a long-term financial complement to the LMA membership dues, which are used annually to cover the ongoing and immediate needs of Lake Manitou.
If you are interested in making a donation, please contact Brian Johnson, Director of Development, Northern Indiana Community Foundation, at 574-223-3223, or