Although the challenges of this year have kept us from celebrating together as in years past, we have delighted in seeing friends and families enjoy time on the lake! We are so very thankful for our wonderful lake community coming together to help keep Manitou our favorite place to be! 

This year, we received a $15,000 grant from the Northern Indiana Community Foundation to help us fund the aquatic plant control program, and another $1,440 from the Indiana LARE (Lake & River Enhancement) Program to conduct a plant study to assist us in permitting as much treatment as the state allows, ensuring we have the necessary plant life to support the ecology of our lake. And most importantly, our membership support brought in $82,050 in membership dues! Each year, we hope to expand our membership and bring awareness to everyone in the Lake Manitou community. 2021 is right around the corner and we look forward to receiving your annual membership card so we can continue to budget for necessary current and future projects! See the link below to pay your annual membership dues.